With my new assignment I've moved out of the office I had at the Family Life Center, where the offices of Central Mission are located, and into my home. I call it Inland West-East. I do miss some of the camaraderie of an office, but I must say I enjoy the peace and quiet as well as my two office buddies (our two Labrador Retrievers).
Tomorrow I head out on another 5,000 mile road trip through Idaho, Washington, Montana, and Utah, (as well as Wyoming and Nebraska to get there!). I'm looking forward to it, but today was Andi's first day of surgical rotations and she is going to be pretty busy while I'm gone.
After this trip I am going to build a new desk for my office as well as add some different furniture and lighting. Don't worry Inland Westers - the Chatburn Family is footing the bill for that little renovation project. Time to finish packing for an early start tomorrow!