Monday, March 9, 2009

February Road Trip Part 1

Part of my responsibility as a Financial Officer is to keep the financial records for the Mission Center which includes making the deposits.  Naturally, I planned to make the final deposit before I left on a two week road trip the day before departure.  However, I failed to take into account that the day before I left was also President's Day and the banks would be closed.  So in order to get things in the bank in a timely fashion I found a Bank of America in Hays, KS (middle of nowhere) and made the deposit while I was en route from Independence, MO to Grand Junction, CO.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

John-This is Renee Foster from Tulsa. If you have a chance, could you give me a call at 918 671-7025. I have some questions about the KC area. I am considering moving....

Hope you and your family are doing well!